
Showing 109–120 of 130 results

    Allan Kaprow

    How to Make a Happening

    The first widely available edition of Kaprow’s How to Make a Happening, recorded in 1965 and originally issued as an LP the following year.


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    Aram Saroyan

    Coffee Coffee

    Infamous artist book by one of the 1960s’ most controversial poets. Aram Saroyan’s Coffee Coffee was originally published as a mimeographed edition by Vito Acconci and Bernadette Mayer on their 0 To 9 press in 1967.


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    Allan Kaprow

    Some Recent Happenings

    A general introduction to Happenings and a dispatch on the forms they were taking at a key point in their development.


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    Allan Kaprow

    Untitled Essay and Other Works

    Three scenarios for Happenings and a key early statement, which originally accompanied the first published Happening in 1958.


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    Dieter Roth

    A Look into the blue tide, part 2

    “A look into” the vast, multi-part work that developed out of a diary kept during Roth’s mid-60s sojourn in the United States.


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    George Brecht


    The influential essay by Brecht, which frames examinations of the use of chance methods in Dada, Surrealism, Pollock, and Cage in a discussion of parallel historical developments in the sciences and elsewhere.



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    Luigi Russolo

    The Art of Noise

    The 1913 Futurist manifesto in a translation by Robert Filliou.


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    Robert Filliou

    A Filliou Sampler

    A collection of poems, plays, and performance works by the itinerant French Fluxus artist.


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    Bengt af Klintberg

    The Cursive Scandinavian Salve

    A collection of event scores and scenarios by Klintberg, a Swedish folklorist who was one of the earliest Scandinavian participants in Happenings and Fluxus.


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    Dick Higgins

    A Book About Love & War & Death: Canto One

    The first section of this major work by Higgins, a sprawling prose poem meant to be read aloud.


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    John Cage

    Diary: How to Improve the World (You Will Only Make Matters Worse) Continued Part Three (1967)

    A roving poem/essay also conceived as a “piece” for the printing press as instrument.


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    Wolf Vostell

    Berlin and Phenomena

    Two large-scale performance works from the mid-60s, as chronicled by Vostell himself.


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